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Win a purse glass vase

1 prize to be won!

Enter now to win an elegant fusion of artistry and functionality, perfect for elevating your home decor. This sophisticated vase combines the timeless charm of a classic purse silhouette with the delicate beauty of glass craftsmanship. Each Purse Glass Vase is meticulously designed to add a touch of luxury and grace to any space it adorns.

Crafted from high-quality, transparent glass, this vase is both durable and elegant, allowing you to showcase your floral arrangements with clarity and style.

The ideal size of the Purse Glass Vase ensures it fits seamlessly on shelves, tables, or countertops, allowing you to showcase your flowers in a compact and stylish manner.

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Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 21/09/2025.


Purse Glass Vase x1